
From research: Forecasting nominal exchange rates using DMA framework

Does the dynamic model averaging (DMA) approach enhance the accuracy of the exchange rate forecasting, particularly in the medium and long run?  In a paper published in the journal Heliyon Martin Časta, on behalf of VŠE, introduced dynamic model averaging framework for exchange rate forecasting. Using data of nine currency pairs (AUD/USD, CAD/USD, CHF/USD, EUR/USD, […]

From research: Forecasting nominal exchange rates using DMA framework

Martin Pělucha: Science for Policy is a Bridge Between Academic Research and Political Decision-Making

Martin Pělucha from the Prague University of Economics and Business has long been exploring how to connect science with policymaking. As part of the Science for Policy initiative, he also engages in training researchers on how to effectively communicate scientific findings to the political sphere. But what exactly does the Science for Policy initiative entail […]

Martin Pělucha: Science for Policy is a Bridge Between Academic Research and Political Decision-Making

From research: The trends of donor crowdfunding in the Slovak environmentm research:

What are the trends of donor crowdfunding in the Slovak environment? In a paper published in the journal Acta Missiologica by Libor Pavera on behalf of VŠE and his team, the researchers provided a brief definition of crowdfunding, a concise historical overview and executed a qualitative content analysis. During research conducted in April 2023 they […]

From research: The trends of donor crowdfunding in the Slovak environmentm research:

From research: The economic implications of population aging

What are the effects of population aging on key national economic indicators? The aging trend is driven by declining fertility rates, improvements in healthcare and living standards, and increased longevity, which determine the national economic indicators and global economy. Tomáš Kábrt, on behalf of VŠE, assessed the impact of demographic shifts on external financial stability […]

From research: The economic implications of population aging

Vojtěch Svátek and Ondřej Zamazal: Ontologies Support Flexible Data Exchange – Something the Circular Economy Also Needs

Vojtěch Svátek and Ondřej Zamazal, experts in ontological engineering from the Prague University of Economics and Business, have joined an ongoing Horizon Europe project called Onto-DESIDE with their team through the so-called hop-on mechanism. Their expertise in ontology development and transformation is expected to help advance the circular economy by enabling more flexible data exchange […]

Vojtěch Svátek and Ondřej Zamazal: Ontologies Support Flexible Data Exchange – Something the Circular Economy Also Needs

Commentary by Ondřej Machek: Conference Publishing

Over the past decade, the Czech research community has been encouraged to publish not only in academic journals but also in conference proceedings. This trend was reinforced by the research evaluation methodology known as “kafemlejnek” (the coffee grinder). The methodology defined the output type “D” as follows: “An article in the proceedings presents original research […]

Commentary by Ondřej Machek: Conference Publishing

From research: Vulnerability of oil-dependent European countries

Are Europe’s oil-dependent countries vulnerable? Geopolitical instabilities, price volatility, and supply disruptions have accentuated energy security as a paramount concern for European policymakers. In a paper published by Prof. D. K. Nguyen, a Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Finance and Accounting, on behalf of VŠE and his team in the Energy Economics journal, the […]

From research: Vulnerability of oil-dependent European countries

Podcast: Daniela Pauknerová on Global Leadership, Cultural Intelligence and Social Identity

In our latest podcast episode, we’re thrilled to welcome back Associate Professor Daniela Pauknerová. Building on our previous discussion about Czech leadership culture, this episode delves into the fascinating world of global leadership. Together, we explore what it means to lead across cultures, the importance of developing a global identity, and the role of cultural […]

Podcast: Daniela Pauknerová on Global Leadership, Cultural Intelligence and Social Identity

From research: E-Government and VAT collection

Does the digitization of tax administration affect VAT collection? Economy and state administration digitization are broadly discussed topics. In a paper published by Dr. H. Zídková, prof. M. Arltová and K. Josková in the Policy & Internet journal, the authors focused on VAT collection from the e-government perspective, or rather tax administration and collection digitization […]

From research: E-Government and VAT collection

From research: Depositors and banks’ discretionary behaviour

How depositors respond to banks’ discretionary behaviours? Financial institutions have significantly sophisticated in last decades, presenting challenges for regulatory authorities due to major information asymmetry in the financial ecosystem. In a paper published by prof. D. K. Nguyen on behalf of VŠE and his team in the International Review of Financial Analysis journal, they investigated […]

From research: Depositors and banks’ discretionary behaviour