Frequently Asked Questions
IGA/A – Improving the Quality of the Student Grant Competition at VSE
1. What am I to submit to show my publication activities or participation in conferences within IGA/A?
- if the article has already been published – it is sufficient to send a link for the article in the VSE publications database to Michaela Plucarová at
- if the article was submitted but has not been published yet – it is necessary to provide proof that the article was submitted, or that the other party received it (e.g. a screenshot of an email concerning the submission of the article, or even better confirmation by the other party that it was received – ”email confirmation“ or a similar response shall be sufficient) – of course only when the article is actually not been published before the end of grant.
Active conference participation / internship or a similar activity:
You are required to provide proof of your participation; subsequent publication shall not be sufficient. That is:
- an original of a certificate signed by the organising institution showing your participation in the event,
- an original of a signed confirmation by the organising institution confirming that you participated in this event (Internship Report),
- if you wish to keep the original for you own purposes, please ask for TWO originals,
- the presentation is to be sent by email to Michaela Plucarová at
2. What should I do to comply with rules on publicity?
- Include a dedication to the project, e.g. „The authors appreciate the funding support received from the Internal Grant Agency of the Prague University of Economics and Business within the IGA/A Grant Competition for the project “[…], no. […]” (project OP RDE IGA/A, CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/19_073/0016936)“.”
Active conference participation:
- It is not necessary to use the presentation on the EU website, it is possible to use faculty presentations and include the EU logo, e.g. HERE.
3. Is it possible to increase the approved budget and what about transfers in categories?
- The approved budget cannot be increased.
- Amounts set to cover Labour Costs of the Ph.D. student and Other Expenditures are fixed, i.e. a transfer between these categories is not possible.
- As regards budgetary appropriations within Other Expenditures, a transfer is possible – e.g. from Travel Costs to Other Project Costs. In this case please use the Change Request form, see the updated IGA/A Projects Realisation presentation, slide 15, HERE.
4. By what date is the Activity Report to be prepared?
- The Activity Report shall be prepared by the 20th day of the month and the date of signature (of both the researcher and the mentor) shall be between the 20th and 24th of that month.
- If the 24th of the month falls on a Saturday, the report must be dated no later than Friday the 23rd of that month.
- If the 24th of the month falls on a Sunday, the report must be dated no later than Friday, the 22nd of the month.
- In case of the report for the month of December, the report shall be prepared by 15 December and shall be submitted on 1 January of the following calendar year, or the first following working day.
5. What happens if I fail to submit the originals of Activity Reports?
- The originals of Activity Reports are subject to an on-site inspection carried out by the grant provider (the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports). A sanction may be imposed by the Ministry for failure to submit the originals of Activity Reports. If it is imposed, this sanction will be charged to the relevant faculty. Therefore, we recommend that you always deliver the originals to the Office of Science and Research on the agreed dates.
6. What is included in the Activity Report?
- Even though the Activity Report is prepared by the 20th day of the month, it must cover the whole month, i.e. the researcher will include the remaining period of the month in the report for the following month. E.g. in the January report, the researcher will describe what they did up to 20 January and what they plan to do for the period until the end of the month. The researcher will include specific activities that they carried out in the period from 20 January to the end of the month in the February report.
- Further, a plan of activities for the following month must be included.
E.g. January 2022:
Overview of implemented activities* | |
* to be filled in by the student grant researcher (individual grant holders, lead researcher, team member)
* Educational/Research activity abroad carried out in the month, evaluation of progress on outputs, plan of activities for the following period * summary of activities of other researchers (only in the case of lead researcher) |
I. Overview of activities implemented in the period 1st-20th January 2022
· …. · …. · … II. Plan of activities for the period 21st-31st January 2022 · … · … · … III. Plan of activities for February 2022 · … |
E.g. February 2022
Overview of implemented activities* | |
* to be filled in by the student grant researcher (individual grant holders, lead researcher, team member)
* Educational/Research activity abroad carried out in the month, evaluation of progress on outputs, plan of activities for the following period * summary of activities of other researchers (only in the case of lead researcher) |
I. Evaluation of the fulfillment of the activities planned in the previous Activity Report for the end of the month / 21st-31st January 2022
· … II. Overview of activities implemented in the period 1st-20th February 2022 · …. · …. · … III. Plan of activities for the period 21st-28th February 2022 · … · … · … IV. Plan of activities for March 2022 · … |
- It is also possible to include / break down the plan of activities for the next period, etc.
7. By what date is the Final Activity Report to be prepared?
- The Final Activity Report shall be submitted by 31 January of the following year.
8. May the Activity Reports of all team members be signed by one mentor?
- Yes, if there is only one mentor in the team, or if the project did not specify the assignment of mentors to individual team members.
9. I cannot travel abroad to carry out the compulsory educational activity abroad. What now?
- Educational / research activities abroad can be carried out remotely, mainly for reasons related to force majeure (e.g. the effects of the spread of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus) or the health disadvantage of the student grant researcher. In these cases, the researchers must in any case report the change on the Change Request form –, which they submit to the Office of Science and Research, as well as they must inform the relevant Vice-Dean for Science and Research.
10. May a foreign internship stay be recognized within IGA if I participate in this internship within another project / other study obligations?
- Such an internship abroad cannot be cost-recognized as an IGA/A stay abroad because this would result in double funding. However, if a participant of such an internship stay attends a conference and then they describe in the Activity Report that this conference was solely for the IGA/A project, the costs associated with the conference (fee) can be recognized as a cost within the IGA/A project, and it can be recognized as a stay abroad. This will enable the participant to save expenses associated with travel, as it is assumed that these will be paid from the internship stay.
11. What should I do if I do not have enough funds from the project budget for the planned internship / other activity abroad?
- Within budgetary appropriations within Other Expenditures, a transfer is possible to Travel Costs.
- Another option, in consultation with the faculty, is to co-finance a stay abroad from the sources of the respective faculty / workplace.
- In case part of the costs were covered from other subsidy sources, prior consultation is required. But it is best to avoid this case altogether.
12. What am I to submit to show my compulsory educational activity abroad that took place remotely?
- Using documentation proving the remote participation in the educational / research activity, e. g. a screenshot of the monitor.
13. When will I receive my scholarship for the months of the summer vacation – July and August?
- Within IGA/A the scholarship is paid monthly retrospectively on the basis of a submitted Activity Report. However, no scholarships are paid during the summer months. The scholarship for July and August will be paid in September.
14. How to properly record dedication to the project in the VSE publications database?
- In the form’s text box manually enter the InSIS project number and the IGA/A project number – CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/19_073/0016936.
Example for the 15/2021 project:
VŠE IGA/A 15/2021 (CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/19_073/0016936)