
From research: How does the threat of negative consequences affect the fairness of behaviour?

The authors of the experiment, assoc. prof. Mgr. et Mgr. Ing. Štěpán Bahník and Ing. Marek Vranka, investigated whether people behave more dishonestly under the condition that the negative consequences of their dishonest behaviour are uncertain. As people decide whether to behave dishonestly, they consider not only the benefits of this behavior, but also the […]

From research: How does the threat of negative consequences affect the fairness of behaviour?

From research: Mobile money and where they thrive the most

Using data analysis, the authors of the paper attempt to answer the question of the most optimal locations in which to establish mobile money services. These services tend to be provided by small branches that depend on the number of customers. Different groups of actors, such as regulators, banks or mobile money operators, have different […]

From research: Mobile money and where they thrive the most

From the research: How does the change in oil prices affect the exchange rate of the euro against the US dollar?

Oil prices have diverse impacts on different agents and parts of the economy. It was demonstrated already in the second half of the 20th century that these impacts can be extensive. After the escalation of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine in early 2022, the issue of raw material and energy prices has gained prominent […]

From the research: How does the change in oil prices affect the exchange rate of the euro against the US dollar?

Register for a seminar about international research projects – at VŠE!

Vice-Rector for Research and Doctoral Studies prof. Martin Lukeš cordially invites you to a seminar “Horizone Europe and the university support of international projects” (as part of VŠEvěda) About the seminar: November 20, 12.30 – 16.00 at the Academic Club. The seminar aims to introduce the structure of Horizon Europe (HE), an EU centrally managed programme […]

Register for a seminar about international research projects – at VŠE!

From the research: Can tax designation help increase the willingness to pay taxes?

This paper deals with the question how people follow tax rules and pay their taxes. There are two main approaches to understanding tax compliance. The first one, called “tax enforcement” explains compliance by how strict the rules and punishments for not paying taxes are, and at how probable it is to get caught. The second […]

From the research: Can tax designation help increase the willingness to pay taxes?

From the research: What do regionalist parties think about the EU?

This paper addresses the European dimension of minority nationalism, a distinct debate in territorial politics and European studies. Sub-state minorities (also called stateless nations) seek to expand and protect the self-government of their regions (ranging from more autonomy in a specific area to independence). Regionalist parties, the principal actors behind this agenda, have embraced European […]

From the research: What do regionalist parties think about the EU?

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