
Statement of the Prague University of Economics and Business on the Article about Predatory Journals

The Prague University of Economics and Business (VŠE) has distanced itself from predatory journals for many years. The mention of VŠE in the article about predatory journals by Daniel Münich, published on Seznam Zprávy and, refers to completely outdated data and is therefore significantly misleading. The Faculty of Business Administration holds prestigious international accreditations […]

Statement of the Prague University of Economics and Business on the Article about Predatory Journals

Women in Research: Jana Abíková on Humanitarian Logistics and Disaster Research

Researcher Jana Abíková from the University of Economics found her passion in a somewhat unconventional topic – humanitarian disasters and the associated logistics. However, over time, the researched topic also takes on a different dimension in relation to how Dr. Abíková’s path and approach to her own research work and career evolve. How does Dr. […]

Women in Research: Jana Abíková on Humanitarian Logistics and Disaster Research

From research: Can coworking spaces in Ukraine help to mitigate social disruptions caused by the Russian invasion?

Current crises reveal other purposes of coworking spaces than a mere meeting point of colleagues at work. doc. Marko Orel, Ph.D. et al. (2024) published a study in the European Journal of Cultural Studies investigating the role of coworking spaces in Ukraine in the light of the Russian invasion. Coworking spaces in Ukraine shifted from […]

From research: Can coworking spaces in Ukraine help to mitigate social disruptions caused by the Russian invasion?

From research: Self-assesment in Education

Current trends in education require new tools to increase the effectiveness of student grading, including both teacher evaluation and student self-assessment. Our research team BERKOVÁ et al. (2024) developed such a tool and published it in the Education and Information Technologies journal. The assessment tool has a form of an interactive “Learning analytics dashboard” (LAD). […]

From research: Self-assesment in Education

From research: How has COVID changed life in coworking spaces?

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly transformed coworking spaces. The study of OREL, MAYERHOFFER, and CHYTKOVÁ (2024) published in the European Management Journal explores how the shift from traditional, community-focused workspaces to hybrid environments, blending physical and digital interactions, impacts user productivity, well-being, and community engagement. The methodological novelty in this paper lies in its use of […]

From research: How has COVID changed life in coworking spaces?

From research: How is Europe changing its view on energy security in relation to Russia?

Our research team persists in exploring the current topic of European energy security and its relation to Russia. Europe’s energy relationship with Russia has changed significantly from 2014 to 2022 due to geopolitical tensions. DUBSKÝ and TICHÝ (2024) published a study in The Extractive Industries and Society journal, analysing the European Commission’s discourse on energy […]

From research: How is Europe changing its view on energy security in relation to Russia?

From research: EU enlargement to the East and changes in targeting Eastern policy

During the ongoing conflict in Eastern Europe, the role of Central and Eastern European states within the European Union has become increasingly critical. Our research team continues to explore this timely and relevant aspect of the EU. In particular, DUBSKÝ, KOČÍ, and VOTOUPALOVÁ (2024) contribute to the Politics and Governancejournal by discussing the 2004 EU […]

From research: EU enlargement to the East and changes in targeting Eastern policy

From research: What affects the satisfaction of owners of European family businesses?

Our research team continues to contribute to the field of family entrepreneurship. DVOULETÝ, OREL, and PROCHÁZKA (2024) published a study in the Journal of Family Business Management that investigates the factors and determinants that influence the job satisfaction of European family business owners. The authors show that only 26.8% of European family business owners are […]

From research: What affects the satisfaction of owners of European family businesses?

From research: Gender aspects of entrepreneurship

Cowling and Dvouletý (2023) published their study in the International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal investigating the topic of gender aspects of entrepreneurship. The authors studied the effects of the largest public policy intervention in the United Kingdom aimed explicitly at fostering new business start-ups, the Start-Up Loan (SUL) scheme. With an average female representation of […]

From research: Gender aspects of entrepreneurship

From research: How does the price of oil affect the development of stock and gold prices?

Our researchers continue their investigation into the topic of oil prices. Oil prices have both direct and indirect influences on various sectors of the economy. In their study published in Energy Economics, FISZEDER, FALDZINSKI, and MOLNÁR (2023) explore the impact of investor attention to oil prices on the performance of oil, gold, and the stock […]

From research: How does the price of oil affect the development of stock and gold prices?

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