Sustainable Economics

We are interested in the economics analysis of the transition to a more sustainable, energy efficient and socially responsible mode of economic behavior. We work on economic modelling in the areas of applied microeconomic theory, applied econometrics and finance covering these issues of green transition.

On the institutional side, our work is closely connected with the goals and visions of the European Green Deal. However we do not restrict ourselves to European issues, data and connections. We prefer to use global perspectives, global data and global research connections while contributing to solving the problem of adaptation and mitigation to global climate change.

Main directions of the research:

  • Energy economics (Karel Bruna, Karel Janda, Duc Khuong Nguyen, Paulo Rotella Junior).
  • Climate change economics (Karel Janda, Duc Khuong Nguyen, Quang Van Tran).
  • Environmental, social and governance (ESG) economics (Gonul Colak, Karel Janda, Duc Khuong Nguyen, Petr Teply).

#Energy, #Climate, #ESG, #Green Transition, #Economics, Finance

Representatives of the research team

Karel Janda

Karel Janda

Department head

Petr Teplý

Petr Teplý

Gonul Colak

Gonul Colak

Top publications of the team

  • K Bruna, Q Van Tran. “Asymmetric effects of oil price shocks on EUR/USD exchange rate and structural shock decomposition in a BVAR model with sign restriction” Energy Economics 128, 107130, 2023.
  • Filip, Ondrej; Janda, Karel; Kristoufek, Ladislav and Zilberman, David. “Dynamics and Evolution of the Role of Biofuels in Global Commodity and Financial Markets.” Nature Energy, article number 16169, 1 (12), December 2016, 9 pages.
  • Peng, D., G. Colak, and J. Shen “Lean Against the Wind: The Effect of Policy Uncertainty on Firm’s Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy”, Journal of Corporate Finance 79: Article No. 102376, 2023.

Selected research projects

  • Asset Pricing, Internet Data, Machine Learning with Natural Language Processing in the Era of Sustainable and Decentralized Finance with Uncertainty. Grant Agency of the Czech Republic. Grant number 24-10008S. 2024-2026.
  • Modeling the Structure and Dynamics of Energy, Commodity and Alternative Asset Prices. Grant Agency of the Czech Republic. Grant number 22-19617S. 2022-2024.
  • Frontiers in Energy Efficiency Economics and Modelling – FE3M. Grant Agency of the Czech Republic. Grant number 19-26812X. 2019-2024.
