Health Policy and Economics
Our team focuses on investigation of theoretical and empirical links that explain how financing, organization, regulation, marketing, innovative technologies and management affect performance and outcomes in the health sector (health status, financial protection, satisfaction, quality, efficiency, access to care). And that both at the level of individual entities in the healthcare sector and at the level of the healthcare system as a whole. And not only within the Czech Republic and Slovakia, but above all in comparison with CEE and EU countries.
In this context:
- Peter investigates the impact of COVID-19 pandemics and related policy measures on mortality
- Daniela examines the impact of health policy tools on the financial protection of households
- Kristina investigates the impact of innovative technologies on patient outcomes and staff workload
- Tomáš investigates the impact of debriefing on the quality of health care
- Marek examines the impact of financing artificial intelligence on its availability in diagnostics
- Karolína examines the impact of the funding structure on vertical equity
#health policy, #health economics, #financial protection, #innovative technologies, #quality of care, #financing, #vertical equity, #payment mechanisms
Representatives of the research team

doc. Ing. Peter Pažitný, MSc., PhD.
Department head

Ing. Daniela Kandilaki, PhD.
Top publications of the team
- Smatana M, Pažitný P, Kandilaki D, Laktišová M, Sedláková D, Palušková M, van Ginneken E, Spranger A (2016). Slovakia: Health system review. Health Systems in Transition, 2016; 18(6):1–210.
- Pažitný P, Kandilaki D, Mužik R, Benková B (2021). COVID-19 Case Fatality Rate in the Context of Healthcare System Organization and EHCI Performance: Focus on the Visegrád (V4) Countries. Acta oeconomica : periodical of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. 2021. zv. 71, č. S1, s. 35–52. ISSN 0001-6373
- Winkelmann J, Rossi J G, Schwendicke F, Dimova A, Atanasova E, Habicht T, Kasekamp K, Gandré C, Or Z, McAuliffe U, Murauskiene L, Kroneman M, de Jong J, Kowalska-Bobko I, Badora-Musial K, Motyl S, Figueiredo A G, Pažitný P, Kandilaki D, Löffler L, Lundgren C, Janlöv N, van Ginneken E, Panteli D (2022). Exploring Variation of Coverage and Access to Dental Care for Adults in 11 European Countries: a Vignette Approach. BMC oral health. 2022. zv. 22, ISSN 1472-6831.
Selected research projects
- DIGI4Care (2024 – 2026). Digital Medical technologies reshaping the DR Healthcare systems throughout the patient journeys from prevention to rehabilitation. Danube Region.
- Payment mechanisms in Ophthalmology (2021 – 2023). Access to healthcare services in the context of financing mechanisms. The case of ophthalmology. Visegrad Fund.
- Economic burden of Alzheimer’s disease (2018 – 2021). Treatment and care of people with Alzheimer’s disease – economic burden in the context of the development of new drugs. TAČR.