Family Business

Overall aims of the Family Business Research team are to:
  • Contribute to the understanding of the unique competitive advantages and weaknesses of family firms, such as family social capital and family conflicts, considering their unique goals.
  • Explore the heterogeneity of family firms, including their innovation and strategic orientations, and explain the underlying mechanisms.
  • Investigate the microfoundations of family firms, such as the interplay of individual psychological attributes and workplace conditions of family firm employees.

Main directions of the research:

  • Conflicts and microprocesses in family firms
  • Social capital and unique resources of family firms
  • Innovation heterogeneity of family businesses

#familybusiness #familyfirm #familyenterprise #familyowned #familybusinesseducation

Representatives of the research team

Jiří Hnilica

Jiří Hnilica

Department head

Ondřej Machek

Ondřej Machek

Aleš Kubíček

Aleš Kubíček

Top publications of the team

  • Stasa, M., & Machek, O. (2022). Social Capital in the Family Business Literature: A Systematic Review and Future Research Agenda. Family Business Review, 35(4), 415–441.
  • Kubíček, A., & Machek, O. (2020). Intrafamily Conflicts in Family Businesses: A Systematic Review of the Literature and Agenda for Future Research. Family Business Review, 33(2), 194–227.
  • Kubíček, A., & Machek, O. (2018). Gender-related factors in family business succession: a systematic literature review. Review of Managerial Science, 13(5), 963-1002.

Selected research projects

  • Intrafamily Conflicts in Family Firms: Antecedents, Effects and Moderators (Czech Science Foundation Project No. GA20-04262S)
  • Privately-held Firms with Multiple Owners: The Role of Family and Responsible Ownership (Czech Science Foundation Project No. 17-10948S)
