Family Business
Overall aims of the Family Business Research team are to:
- Contribute to the understanding of the unique competitive advantages and weaknesses of family firms, such as family social capital and family conflicts, considering their unique goals.
Explore the heterogeneity of family firms, including their innovation and strategic orientations, and explain the underlying mechanisms.
Investigate the microfoundations of family firms, such as the interplay of individual psychological attributes and workplace conditions of family firm employees.
Main directions of the research:
Conflicts and microprocesses in family firms
Social capital and unique resources of family firms
- Innovation heterogeneity of family businesses
#familybusiness #familyfirm #familyenterprise #familyowned #familybusinesseducation
Representatives of the research team

Jiří Hnilica
Department head

Ondřej Machek

Aleš Kubíček
Top publications of the team
Stasa, M., & Machek, O. (2022). Social Capital in the Family Business Literature: A Systematic Review and Future Research Agenda. Family Business Review, 35(4), 415–441.
Kubíček, A., & Machek, O. (2020). Intrafamily Conflicts in Family Businesses: A Systematic Review of the Literature and Agenda for Future Research. Family Business Review, 33(2), 194–227.
Kubíček, A., & Machek, O. (2018). Gender-related factors in family business succession: a systematic literature review. Review of Managerial Science, 13(5), 963-1002.
Selected research projects
Intrafamily Conflicts in Family Firms: Antecedents, Effects and Moderators (Czech Science Foundation Project No. GA20-04262S)
Privately-held Firms with Multiple Owners: The Role of Family and Responsible Ownership (Czech Science Foundation Project No. 17-10948S)