Behavioral and Experimental Economics

The research group includes scientists from economics, management, and psychology background. In their research, they use experimental approaches to study a variety of topics related to human judgment and decision-making, including:

  1. Why people behave dishonestly and how is it possible to reduce dishonest behavior in groups and organizations?
  2. How can judgment and decision-making in organizations be improved?
  3. What influences cooperation in social dilemmas?

Main directions of the research:

  • Judgment and decision-making
  • Dishonesty, cheating, morality
  • Behavioral interventions, nudges

#behavioral economics, #experimental economics, #behavioral ethics

Representatives of the research team

Štěpán Bahník

Štěpán Bahník

Research head

Petr Houdek

Petr Houdek

Marek Hudík

Marek Hudík

Lubomír Cingl

Lubomír Cingl

Tomáš Miklánek

Tomáš Miklánek

Top publications of the team

  • Cingl, L., Lichard, T., & Miklánek, T. (2023). Tax designation effects on compliance: An online experiment with taxpayers. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 214, 615-633.
  • Houdek, P., Bahník, Š., Hudík, M., & Vranka, M. (2021). Selection Effects on Dishonest Behavior. Judgment and Decision Making, 16, 238–266.
  • Vranka, M., Frollová, N., Pour, M., Novakova, J., & Houdek, P. (2019). Cheating customers in grocery stores: A field study on dishonesty. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 83, 101484.

Selected research projects

  • Why don’t birds of a feather always flock together? Imperfect selection of cheaters in cheating-enabling environments, PI: Štěpán Bahník, Czech Science Foundation, 2023-2025
  • Role of social preferences in cooperative behavior, PI: Tomáš Miklánek, Czech Science Foundation, 2022-2024
  • Behavioral Organizational Politics: Experiments in Prosocial Political Behavior, PI: Petr Houdek, Czech Science Foundation, 2022-2024
