Rector’s Award for Doctoral Students’ Scientific Publication Activity – evaluation
1. – 2. place
Časta, Martin – Faculty of Finance and Accounting
Title of the article: “Inflation, interest rates and the predictability of stock returns”
Journal: Finance Research Letters 2023, roč. 58, č. čl. 104380. 6 s.; AIS 1,201
ISSN 1544-6123
1. – 2. place
Strnad, Michal – Faculty of International Relations
Title of the article: “Multi-level empowerment strategies: Regionalist parties’ territory-oriented legislative initiative in the regional, statewide and European parliamentary arenas”
Journal: Party Politics 2024; AIS 1,467
eISSN 1460-3683 ISSN 1354-0688
3. place
Rosecká, Nikola – Faculty of Business Administration
Title of the article: “Family firm entrepreneurial orientation: the effects of socio-emotional wealth, professionalization and bifurcation bias”
Journal: Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 2023, roč. 30, č. 7, s. 1423–1444; AIS 0.583
ISSN 1462-6004