Rector’s Award for an Article  – evaluation

1. place
Brůna, Karel, Tran, Van Quang – Faculty of Finance and Accounting
Title of the article: Asymmetric effects of oil price shocks on EUR/USD exchange rate and structural shock decomposition in a BVAR model with sign restriction”
Journal: Energy Economics  2023, roč. 128, č. čl. 107130. 13 s. ; AIS 2,112
ISSN 0140-9883

2. place
Bennis, Will Martin, Orel, Marko – Faculty of Business Administration
Title of the article: “Taboo Trade-Offs in the Community Business: The Case of Coworking”
Journal: 2023 Journal of Management Inquiry, 33(1), 77-91; AIS 1.483

3. place
de Batz de Trenquelléon, Laure Sabine Marie, Kočenda, Evžen – Faculty of International Relations
Title of the article: Financial crime and punishment: A meta-analysis”
Journal: Journal of Economic Surveys  2024, roč. 38, č. 4, s. 1338–1398; AIS 2,447
eISSN 1467-6419 ISSN 0950-0804

3. place
Šimůnková, Klára, Šimůnek, Michal – Faculty of Management
Title of the article: Gradual Stimulation of Respondents’ Reflexivity: A Research Design for Studying Unreflexive Consumers”
Journal: International Journal of Consumer Studies 2023, roč. 47, č. 4, s. 1609–1625; AIS 1,327
eISSN 1470-6431 ISSN 1470-6423