Rector’s Award for an Article  – evaluation

1. place
Ing. Tomáš Buus, Ph.D. – Faculty of Finance and Accounting
Title of the article: Energy efficiency and energy prices: A general mathematical framework
Journal: Elsevier B.V. – Energy, 2017; IF 4, 968; AIS 0,951
ISSN 0360-5442
2. place
Paola Bertoli, M.A., MSc., Dr. Veronica Grembi – Faculty of Economics
Title of the article: The political economy of diagnosis-related groups
Journal: ergamon-Elsevier Science ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, England – Social Science – Medicine, 2017; IF 3,007; AIS 1,4
ISSN 0277-9536
3. place
Ing. Ondřej Dvouletý, Ph.D., MSc., doc. Ing. M. Lukeš, Ph.D., Ing. M. Andera, Ph.D., M.C. Longo, doc. Ing. I. Blažková, Ph.D. – Faculty of Business Administration
Title of the article: Are publicly funded Czech incubators effective? The comparison of performance of supported and non-supported firms
Journal: European Journal of Innovation Management (Emerald), 2018; IF 1,385; AIS 0,636
ISSN 1460-1060